
Homework is a valuable part of schooling that practices, extends and consolidates work done in class.
Homework is work set by the teachers for students to complete after school hours. It helps train students in planning and organising their time, and develops a range of skills in using information resources. It creates habits of independent study, concentration and self-discipline.
Homework strengthens the partnership between home and school. It provides parents and caregivers with insights as to what is being taught at school. Parents will be advised of homework expectations at the beginning of the school year and failure by students to complete homework on a regular basis will be followed up with parents.
The regular setting of homework by teachers is school policy. The College recognises that many students have after-school commitments and consideration will be shown in allowing students more than one night to complete homework.


Time spent on homework is dependent on the age of the student and the academic demands of the year level.
While the amount of homework can vary through the year, it is generally expected that students should allow the following time to complete homework. The College believes that the following expectations are reasonable for the age and academic demands of students at each level.
  • Year 7 & 8: 1 – 1 ½ hours per weeknight
  • Year 9 & 10: 1 ½ – 2 hours per weeknight with up to 2 hours on the weekend
  • Year 11: 2 – 2 ½ hours per weeknight with up to 4 hours on the weekend
  • Year 12: 3 hours plus per weeknight with up to six hours on weekends
Completion of homework is an expectation for all students at the College. Parents should contact the relevant Head of School if they have concerns about the amount of homework their child is doing.

Parents and caregivers can help their children by:

At home:
  • Assisting students to develop organisational strategies
  • Encouraging them to take increasing responsibility for their learning and organisation
  • Providing a place and a desk for homework and study that is comfortable, quiet and well lit
  • Encouraging them to set aside a regular daily session to read and complete homework on time
  • Helping them to complete homework by discussing key questions or directing them to resources
  • Helping them to balance the amount of time spent completing homework and engaging in leisure sporting or recreational activities
  • Checking whether homework has been set and ensuring they keep a homework diary.
At school
  • Attending school events, displays or productions in which their children are involved.
  • Contacting the relevant teacher/coordinator to discuss any problems their child/ren are having with homework.