Scoresby Secondary College personalises student learning. This means that the teachers know each student’s progress all the time and deliver teaching methods that maximise the skill set of that child.
Our teachers use the indicators for personalising learning established by Professor Brian Caldwell in their everyday teaching. These include:
The circumstances, needs, interests and aspirations of every student are known to each of the student’s teachers.
There is an assessment system in place that provides a picture at any moment in time of each student’s progress against targets and expectation.
There is a system in place that ensures that each student who falls behind against targets and expectations is given immediate support to catch up.
There is a written learning plan for each student that can be made available to the student and parents.
Each student knows and understands in an age appropriate way his or her learning plan.
Each student has at least one person who has knowledge of the student’s educational and personal needs, learning plans and progress, and can provide or access and then deliver support immediately it is required.
Each student knows that he or she is supported and cared for by the school.
Each student knows how to access support and care whenever he or she requires.
The parent knows about the learning plan and progress of his or her child and is kept informed of necessary care and support whenever they are required.
Each student knows, understands and practices the values and behaviours that are expected of all students in the school and more broadly in society.