Year 7 at Scoresby


We make our new Year 7 students feel very welcome and support them through the transition into high school. Year 7 will be the start of many new, exciting and interesting academic, co-curricular and social experiences.
The transition process starts with a fun orientation day in December, where we introduce the students to the campus, staff, students in other levels and each other.
The Year 7 school year starts with a special two day program designed to help them find their way around, get to know their teachers, understand their timetable and meet each other. A transition camp held in Term 1 encourages students to meet new people and form friendships doing a range of fun activities.
Our dedicated Junior School (Years 7 – 9) team focuses on providing learning programs and pastoral care and other activities to support each of the distinct stages of adolescent development.
The Junior School has a separate indoor and outdoor play space and Year 7s have a dedicated study area.
We also support new parents and look forward to welcoming the whole family into our school. There is an information evening for parents at the start of the school year to bring new families together, give parents an opportunity to meet teachers and ask any questions.