Teaching and learning in the Senior School
The Senior School delivers a comprehensive academic and co-curricular program for all students to equip them with values, beliefs, knowledge and skills that will foster lifelong learning and success in both work and further study.
The Year 7 to 9 program is designed to provide the skills and knowledge they will need during VCE. When students move into the senior school, they will have these essential skills to enable a smooth transition into senior studies and maximise their learning.
We believe it essential to prepare students for learning beyond school. For this reason, we also focus on work related skills such as interpersonal communication. This is supported by a comprehensive Careers program, including work experience completed during year 10.
Year 10 students study English and Mathematics as core subjects. They also select four other subjects each semester from electives in Science, Humanities, Health, Physical Education, Food Technology, Design Technology, Information Technology and LOTE (French). Year 10 students also have the opportunity to undertake a Unit 1&2 of a VCE study.
Each student entering VCE will have a Managed Individual Pathway developed with assistance from the Careers Coordinator and year level coordinator. This plan enables students to choose the best subjects to suit their interests, talents and future study or work interests.
Scoresby Secondary College offers VCE subjects based on ‘Gateways’. These are recommended subject choices based on the following broad further study and employment areas of Allied Health and Human Services/Nursing, Commerce & Business, Graphic Design, Visual Design and the Arts, Physical Science and Engineering, and a generalist course for students who wish to keep their future options open but are unsure of their future directions.
Social and emotional development
Every student’s social and emotional development is nurtured in a safe and positive environment both in and out of the classroom.
At Scoresby Secondary College, we help our students become active and informed citizens and to be well prepared for the world or further study, work and beyond. Every child is given the opportunity and experiences that will enable him or her to be their brilliant best.